Conditions of Use
The Telefericos da Madeira, S.A. (TM) provides a transport service on the Funchal Cable Car respecting the schedule posted near the entrances and ticket counters.
The regular timetable may be altered depending on the weather conditions, extraordinary maintenance works, interruption of public electrical energy supply or passenger overcrowding.
Boarding hours are posted on both stations and should be taken into account by all passengers.
During the trip there may be occurrences of stoppages and speed variations. Should this happen passengers are advised to remain calm until activity resumes. In case of an electricity supply interruption, movement will be restored through an alternative engine.
All Passengers are advised to observe and follow instructions provided by TM staff members, who are duly identified and carefully watching over the well being and security of all Passengers:
- The maximum capacity of each gondola is 7 (seven) people.
- The minimum capacity of each gondola when there are passengers waiting to Board is 6 (six) people.
- It is expressly forbidden for passengers to do the following:
- to swing the gondolas on purpose
- to toss out any form of rubbish or objects through the Windows
- to smoke, drink or eat inside the gôndolas
- to remain in the gondola during turnaround in teh station
- to act in such a way as to distub or place at risk the commodity or security of others
The Telefericos da Madeira, S.A. (TM) reserves the right not to admit onto Funchal Cable Car premises anyone who clearly indicates to unfavourable and inappropriate conditions, is under the influence of alcohol or whose behavior may deem harmful to the security and well-being of the passengers.
Animals may only be transported at times when there is not much traffic and is always subject to the approval of staff
In the event that the return journey cannot bem ade due to bad wheather conditions, electrical energy shortage or stoppage, passengers who are in possession of a valid ticket will be provided with transport to the station of origin or alternatively may be refunded with 50% of the amount already paid for a return ticket.
The acquisition of a ticket implies the full acceptance on behalf of the passenger of such Conditions of Utilization.